Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Starbucks Calamity.

Let me just start this of by saying the French don’t believe in iced coffee, this has been a source of serious devastation in my life. I thought for the first couple of days that, hey I can get by with sipping on a shot of espresso in a Barbie sized coffee cup everyday, nuh uh!!

So I have had to resort to extreme and unspeakable measures. Before I admit to this, I just want everyone to know that desperate times cause for desperate measures... Starbucks. When I really need a fix, Rachie and I have been known to walk up and down the streets of Paris searching for one, and when not found it has caused some serious short term tension between the two of us.

Although, let me just make one thing clear, I do not love Starbucks – I am only using it for its ice.

1 comment:

  1. OI!!!!! i am so jealous of you!

    Do you remember when we were little and we would predict our futures, this is soo cheesey i think they sound better than they planned,, duudee you're in paris

    wish i had seen you this summer and hope all is well

    Gros Bisous!!!!
